Friday, June 16, 2017

Chim, chimney! Or one more thing off the list!

The first Monday after we moved in we had something like ten contractors come through the house for mechanicals - the crawlspace, electrical, plumbing, heating and cooling, and bathroom renovation. Some things were taken care of pretty much right away, like the new furnace and electrical. Others have taken a while to pull the trigger on. The first contractor to come in that day was to clean the chimneys and fireplaces and provide a quote for repairing or replacing the chimney on the roof.

Chimney from inspection report
Chimney in need of attention

We received three quotes from chimney masons with recommendations ranging from only tuck pointing the chimney to a full tear down and rebuild, priced between $750 and $4,300. We went with the middle bid, tuckpointing with the possibility of further repair/rebuild work towards the top of the chimney. We were told that the masons schedule was three to four weeks out and they would give us two days notice before they started work.

Two days notice actually turned into two hours notice, with the work beginning around 4 pm on a Wednesday. They worked until about 7 pm that day, grinding out old and collapsing mortar, generally making a pretty dusty mess all over (which they cleaned up before they left). 

Rebuilding the top of the chimney

And from the front of the house

The following day they tuck pointed the lower part of the chimney and then took apart the top of the chimney (it was literally falling apart) and put it back together. One last day to complete the mortar job on the exterior and interior of the chimney and then they acid washed the bricks.

Newly repaired and cleaned chimney

And now the other side

I won't say that it looks brand new, but at least we know it won't fall down! And honestly, the color and condition of the bricks matches the brick on the exterior of the house.  Overall, we are very more thing checked off the list!